Casting Call!
Bay Area Brony Spectacular
Hello to all of you who click on this page. Welcome to the official BABSCon stage play audition document. Before you scroll down to get role info there’s a couple of things we in the theme department wish to make you aware of first.
To any and all who wish to audition, do keep in mind that the majority of the roles we need aren’t strictly voice jobs you can do from home. We need people to actually be able to attend the convention in April to perform these roles live on stage and interact with guests and con-goers throughout the weekend.
To apply for a role, please visit the Registration Page and apply as Staff. For the audition, please refer to the lines below for whichever character you like. If at all possible, do more than one take per line. (But don’t overdo it!) When you have finished recording, simply upload the files to Google Drive, Dropbox, or a cloud storage service of your choice and include the link(s) in the “Additional notes” section of your staff application. If you have already submitted a staff application, then you can simply email the link(s) with your name to Please make sure the links are shared to anyone with a link, and don’t expire (i.e. not from Discord).
You will be emailed some time later regarding whether or not you have been chosen for the role. If you are selected, we will require body measurements for the costume you will wear during the weekend.
Audition deadline is set for February 15th, 2025 at 11:59pm Pacific Time
Positions will be getting filled in just a few short weeks, so don't delay! That being said; have fun and good luck.
Characters needed:

Golden Gates

Queen Quake


Silver Span

Copper Chip

Golden Gates - The leader and main mascot of the convention. Golden Gates is a kind and patient type of leader who is always willing to hear a pony out on their ideas. During this production she will be trapped in space along with her two siblings.
Gender: Female
Needed for: Voice Acting, Potential Singing, and a stage appearance at closing.
Audition Lines:
- Hello and welcome one and all to BABScon! I hope you’re all ready to have the most wonderful of times!
- Everypony please conduct yourselves in an orderly fashion. This is meant to be an event for ponies of all ages to enjoy!
- Has anyone seen Copper? The TV is shorting out again and Silver said he’s gonna go nuts if the video game tournament is held off any longer.
Queen Quake- The Earth elemental that served as the convention’s antagonist for many years before slipping away to who knows where? Her current attitude with the siblings at this point isn’t quite amicable, but not friendly either.
Gender: Female
Needed for: Online, stage acting (maybe)
Audition Lines:
- Behold, plebians! Your illustrious Queen Quake has returned from the barren wastelands of Oatland to wreak havoc on you all once again! (As boisterous and cocky as you can get)
- So…THIS is what I have returned to? I come back expecting a warm welcome and all you idiots have to say to me is “bing-bong”, every time I say magic?! NO NO NO NO! STOP THAT! DO NOT DO IT AGAIN! (frustrated and angry)
Well it’s nice to know at least SOME of you missed me. I swear once I find that traitorous Foreshock, she and I are going to have some words. (Barely restrained contempt)
Andreas - The gentle giant of the group of heroes. Always willing to lend a hand to anyone who needs it. And also isn't afraid to mouth off to anyone he doesn't like or harms his friends.
Gender: Male
Needed for: Stage Appearance at opening and closing ceremonies along with other events, potential at con panel crashing, Pre-con Voice Acting, and singing.
Audition Lines:
- Anyways… Have either of you seen Goldie today? I wanted to speak with her about trying to help out more with the big celebration happening.
- I just can't get over some of the things she's asking me to do: Print Flyers, Say “hi” to people, don't light anything on fire? Does she not trust me or something!?
Silver Span - The sibling punlord. Always tries to light up the mood with humor.
Gender: TransColt. (Any gender will work!)
Needed for: Voice Acting, Tabletop Gaming Stream,and a stage appearance at closing.
Audition lines:
- Why is peter pan always flying? Because he Neverlands *Giggle*
- Hey Goldie, need any help with the party plans? It’s just been sooo boring, being stuck inside all the time.
- If this is gonna be a sleepover, does that mean we can order a buckton of pizza?! I want everything on them!
Copper Chip - The techie genius of the three siblings. Always looks at things from an analytical angle.
Gender: Female
Needed for: Voice Acting, Tabletop Gaming Stream, and a stage appearance at closing.
Audition lines:
- All I need in order to get this perpetual motion machine running is a piece of rope!
- This is an “and” gate, not to be confused with an “xor” gate or an “xnor” gate. It’s pretty easy to tell the difference when you put them all together.
- *Sigh* did you try unplugging it, and plugging it back in again before you smashed it? I thought not...
Foreshock - The team’s most snarky member. Ingredients include 80% sarcasm, 10% magical knowledge, 5% smart mouth comebacks, 4% Spencers attire, and 1% love and friendship. Though do know, that 1% is a very good 1% that can spread to 100 when the situation calls for it, not that she’ll ever admit that out loud in this lifetime…or the next.
Gender: Female
Needed for: Voice acting, stage acting for opening and closing, panel crashing during convention hours, potential singing.
Audition Lines:
- Oh, has it come time for this convention again? And here I figured these ponies could find something better to do with their time.
- No no no! Look, Copper! You’re overthinking this! You’re a unicorn! You have a magical horn! Put the tools down and learn to cast a few more spells! It won’t kill ya!
- You…you came here to see…me? You uh…you know Golden Gates is like…right over there, right? The head honcho for all this and you’re wasting time with me? Um….yeah….o-ok. (Is secretly flattered)
- Utter a word of this to anypony and I’ll make Queen Quake look like a harmless kitten. But these ponies here, I love them all. Celestia help me even that rockhead Andreas has a place in my heart. And if anypony, and I mean anypony tries to harm a single hair on their manes, they’ll spend the rest of their lives screaming into an empty void.