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Bay Area Brony Spectacular

A My Little Pony Fan-run Convention
April 14-16, 2017 - Hyatt Regency SFO
Burlingame, CA


BABSCon knows that when there is something strange in the cartoon show, their latest community guests are the ones to call! These reviewers ain’t afraid of no cartoon shenanigans. If anything they revel in it. So this April, pick up the phone and call Saberspark, ToonKriticy2k, and Corpulent Brony to answer Brony Analysis needs!

Chicago's Colt of Personality is a jack of all trades, master of few, ToonKriticy2k brings a level of excitement as not just a reviewer but as an entertainer and podcaster with his Roundtable is Magic series. You can also find him on Dr Wolf's TF2 Analysis Anarchy series as the BLU Soldier. He has an ear to the brony reviewing community and provides his own brand of witty "educainment" to all those who watch. And of course, wherever he goes, his alter ego CarToonZ is not far behind. He is there for YOUR entertainment!

Corpulent Brony is a fun guy who likes to make videos about our favorite horses. Sometimes analytical but always facetious, this king sized bundle of fun also co-hosts the Equestria Now and PFC podcasts and occasionally writes articles for fandom publications, such as Horse News.

Saberspark ($@B=R$P@RK if you are referring to his DJ handle) reviews cartoons on YouTube and acts like a crazy man-child at conventions.


Saberspark, ToonKriticy2k, and Corpulent Brony join ACRacebest, Dusty Katt, Doctor Wolf, Josh Scorcher, Silver Quill, Minty Root and Duo Cartoonist as Community Guests this year at BABSCon. Sponsor tickets that include the Guest of Honor Meet and Greet are still available, but will disappear faster than the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man! So don’t find yourself covered in ectoplasmic residue and register today:

BABSCon has more Community Guest Announcements coming very soon to a pony media outlet near you!

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