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Bay Area Brony Spectacular

A My Little Pony Fan-run Convention
April 14-16, 2017 - Hyatt Regency SFO
Burlingame, CA

BABSCon Proudly Presents our 2017 NEIGHhem Lineup!

BABSCon Proudly Presents our 2017 NEIGHhem Lineup!

Get ready for an awesome, crazy, fun-filled evening as our NEIGHhem musicians and DJ's take to the stage with a wide-array of genres for our fourth annual rave! It's fun, it's diverse, it's the night of dancing and partying you know you'll love; it's NEIGHhem!

And don't forget about Friday night!

Come on down to the main hall and and join us for a red carpet party.

Walk through the shimmering wall of fringe and down the the red carpet. Have your picture taken like a movie star and take that home as a souvenir, then join us on the dance floor for some Electric slide style group dancing.

As the evening grows later, be ready for queen quake and her minion to usher in a new regime with glowing light and growling sound. With beats that will live up to her name.

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